Mental Health Court
The mission of the Madison County Mental Health Court is to assist individuals with mental illness to become and remain law-abiding citizens by helping them access mental health treatment and other support services designed to help clients maintain mental health stability within the community.
What is Mental Health Court
Due to the overrepresentation of people with mental illness in the criminal justice system, mental health courts divert non-violent defendants with mental illness into judicially supervised, community-based treatment programs. A multidisciplinary team comprised of a Judge, Assistant State’s Attorney, Public Defender liaison, designated probation officers, and treatment providers from community agencies works together to develop treatment plans and supervise individuals who voluntarily agree to the program’s terms and conditions. Participants appear at regular scheduled status hearings to review compliance with their treatment plans and the program.
Eligibility Criteria
Chronic major mental health diagnosis (Traumatic brain injury & developmentally delayed are ineligible)
Pending misdemeanor or probationable felony offense
Must qualify under additional criteria as stated in the Mental Health Court Treatment Act 730 ILCS 168/20. Additional offenses excluded: all sex offenses, except prostitution and DUI or any driving offenses
Victim consent, when appropriate
Madison County resident, 18 years of age or older
Must engage in services provided by the court approved treatment providers, Chestnut Health Systems or Centerstone Resources
For more information regarding the eligibility criteria, please click here
Referral Process
Defendant or Attorney must file a Motion for Assessment Motion for Assessment – Misdemeanor Only or Motion for Assessment – Felony Only
Defendant completes assessment, performed by court designated agency to determine eligibility
Assessment report if reviewed by Assistant State’s Attorney (assigned to MHC) to determine acceptance into the program and which Track, if applicable: Track I-Diversion or Track II-Probation
​Goals of Mental Health Court
Provide access to psychiatric and therapeutic care
Improve treatment attendance and medication adherence
Reduce stigma of criminal record for individuals with mental illness
Improve the overall quality of life and increase the productivity of defendants
Reduce the time and costs of incarceration and psychiatric hospitalization
Reduce police contacts
Direct defendants with mental illness away from the traditional court system to community based treatment
Mental Health Court
Criminal Justice Center
509 Ramey Street, Suite 304
Edwardsville, IL 62025
Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm
Phone: (618) 692-8961